Monthly Archives: February 2009

Design Dialogues DES320 Wk 1. Module Plan and Introduction

The plan for the module is that there will be 12 lectures (Tuesdays 1.15 – 4.15). A single project will be set. the project will form a background to an exploration of design methods and tools and problem solving.






Larger notes such as €100 are almost unused, most people simply use plastic. In that context money is going out of facshion. But in the case of small change the opposite is true. You need change for coffe, newspapers, mars bars, toll gates, bread, milk, shopping trolley deposits, etc.


Over time change builds up and makes its way into jam jars in the kitchen and coffee cup holders in cars, in drawers and bottoms of handbags.


People living near a border (like us) have double the trouble with change.


Design a gravity feed (no power) Euro Coin sorter. It should be able to sort out a coffee cup full of change into piles of single denominations. Ideally it should count the money.


NB: this project is about thinking, drawing and modelling.



EyeSpyFX publicity photo


Anthony Hutton and Aidan Gallagher from EyeSpyFX show mobile apps for iPhone (My webcam) and Java phones (PhoneStreamFX). These apps enable users to set up home monitoring using USB webcams. they are ideal for pet watch or keeping an eye on your property. Anthony Hutton, company founder and Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design in the School of Creative Arts said “More and more phone companies are opening App stores just like Apple, and that is great news for mobile app developers like us”.