Assign 5:Website check up and revision

Assignment 5: Website check up and revision

What is the title of the site…the text that appears in the title tag

What is the name of the website owner? Displayed in the banner?

What is the site about …is that clear

Does the index page link directly from the top folder?

Is the graphic design layout coherent?

Are the graphic design images appropriate and pleasing?

Do the links work?

Is the nav separate from the content

Are the nav points the same weight or in some other way coherent?

Is the page sized to fit the screen?

Does the page work on Explorer and Firefox?

Do the links work? Have you checked them on a computer outside Engineering?

Are the images displaying?

Is there silliness that doesn’t really work. “as you can see from the really large text above my name is joe blogs”

Website assignmentAll elements: content, navigation, graphics, images, layout, clarity of purpose, technical features

Marks: 25%

Overall Marking scheme