Results race 3 Series C 19/04/12

Series C race 3
Anton H 1 4378
Ken L/David L 2 4460
Bill J/Brigid J 3 4551
Dermot M 4 4624
Alan T 5 4689
Keith L/James H 6 4745
George G 7 4865
Danny G/Richard G 8 4964

Start from the perch, Muff, Faughan, Power station, twice round. Light winds F1-2. Flooding tide near high water but still strong.

Anton H made a good first beat down to Muff but was caught up by Ken L and Dermot M in the second beat. A large tanker came along in the middle of  the race causing Ken L/David L to lose some distance.

Some new skippers and crew tonight which was great to see. Gareth and Richard G took command of the Gallagher boat leaving the regular skipper on the shore. (LFYC handicap award 1190). Alan T was sailing a Laser and awarded LFYC handicap of 1195.

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