Monthly Archives: September 2006

Notes for Week 1. DES310

Week 1 class will consist of a discussion based around the following topics:
What is multimedia?
What is an example of multimedia?
Is there a definition? If there is it useful?
Is multimedia a good name for multimedia?
What is multimedia design?
What is a multimedia design project?
What are the characteristics of design…as applied in multimedia?
Mobile content
Web 2.0

DES310: What will happen in this module?

[20%] In this module a series of mini assignments will be set. Some of these assignments will simply explore a technology or some form of multimedia phenomenon, others will involve a design task.
How will it be marked?

Assignment Mark Due date Aims

Assign 1 9 wk2 get into web 2.0 with Flickr

Assign 2 20 wk3/4/5 more web 2.0 exploration

Assign 3 10 wk 6 layout and composition

Assign 4 27 Alarm clock/model the user project

Assign 5 25 Website overall

Attendance 09 marks

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