Monthly Archives: April 2014

DES320 User Centred Design – Module summary

Starting point

Outline project briefs based on outcome of ‘The future of Security” Design Search in Semester 1.


Evidence based design – keeping the user central to the mission

Extend and customize the brief

Envisage and design the intervention

Create a script and storyboard

Make a movie

Examination of different type of Interaction Design movies. (Before and after/ annotated with meta graphics, animated, talking head, interview the inventor)

Focus on Interaction and Motivation – tell the story of the effect all about the effect that the intervention has on the people in the story

(Skipped but not forgotten: Visual and Interface, the detail design of the intervention)

Covered in passing:

Calm Technology, AOMO, Ubiquitous computing

Computers as Theatre

Wearables and IoT


Attendance                                                         5%

Brief                                                                    5%

10 point key storyline – pdf document         10%

Storyboard and script – pdf documents       30%

Youtube/vimeo presentation video              50%

Summary DES134 Interaction Design Techniques

DES134 Interaction Design Techniques- Module summary

  1. Interaction Design Jobs – what is Interaction Design?
  2. Back to the future of Computing – Ted Nelson/Roy Stringer
  3. Navihedrons – Technology: 3dMax, Export, Flash, WebGL
  4. Other aspects of a Navihedron Website: Accounts, Edit/Save, A database that is dynamically written
  5. A simple three frame storyboard
  6. An exemplar use case
  7. VIIM-A paper prototypes
  8. Presentations ranging from IoT (C+J) to Jesse Schell (Amy)
  9. Using the computer as a computer – to explore a context rather than search – proposal for characteristics of a new Navihedron
  10. Brenda Laurel –Computers as Theatre: Ignore the voice behind the curtain


  1. Navihedron                               10
  2. Use case scenario                    10
  3. Interaction storyboards          20
  4. VIIM – A                                      30
  5. Project proposal                      15
  6. Reading presentations           10
  7. Attend                                         5

Hand in details for DES320

Due date: Tue 13 May

Attendance                                                     5%

Brief                                                                 5%

10 point key storyline – pdf document      10%

Storyboard and script – pdf documents    30%

Youtube/vimeo presentation video            50%

sketch diagrams

I recently did a little sketching project on twitter. It came about as a result of a bit of personal reflection. I did think that I sketch all the time. I keep notebooks, I must be on notebook 89 or something. I was looking through my notebooks to find some example sketch work and to my shock I discovered only a few sketches. I am not happy with that because I think sketching is a great way to work out answers to problems. I would hate to think of myself as someone whose work is just writing based. (A slow creeping truth)

So I resolved to do a sketch diagram every day for 30 days and tweet them day by day. It has been an interesting experience and remarkably difficult.

I was surprised about how difficult it was because I used to produce 30 sketches in a morning when I was working in Industrial Design. I should be able to do this very easily . I have discovered how easy it is to get out of practice.

The sketches concern the work of the day, some are University research work, some are teaching related figuring out ideas with students and some are related to software development projects I am working on.

Generally I am pleased with the sketches and pleased with the thinking they illustrate. Each sketch is an attempt to work out some sort of a problem. I will take a break for a while but will come back to it soon on
