Purpose and layout

The focus of the next part of this module will switch from technology (assigns 1 and 2) to design and consideration.


Take a look at your web site. What is its purpose? How is the navigation laid out?


Assign 3


Graphic Design problem….

Create a series of sketches which represent the following words

Increase, Playful, Tension, Congested, Order, Bold

Use four squares in each design. You can contort the squares, so long as we can recognise them as squares. Also try changing the orientation, reversing, scaling, skewing, etc of the squares. Use only black and white. The challange is to make the composition using just four squares convey the sense of meaningĀ  of the word.

Draw the results in the format of the squares given below. Choose the best one of your designs from 8 to present as your final design. (show all eigth in your sketches)

(8 marks)


What layout is your web site. Draw a schematic (like the ones above) and also present a screen shot of your web site to make easy comparison.

Describe in one sentance the purpose of your web site.

(2 marks)