Archive for May, 2011

Foyle Days Series E Races 1 + 2 21/05/2011

Friday, May 27th, 2011

Derry City Council Made this rather nice video of Foyle Days featuring sailors from LFYC

A very windy wet day (F5 SSW). The race into town consisted of many short beats up the river until it broadens at the Foyle Bridge. Two races were held in town. The start line and the windward mark were difficult to judge due to a very strong tide. It was nice to see the Ocean Youth Trust boats out in the city centre also. Todd S and Anton H both had capsizes in town both managing unassisted recovery. Todd S took a lot of water into the bouyancy tanks leaving the old scorpion floating low in the water. The race home was a fast mix of broad reaches and runs. Many thanks to Derry City Council for the prizes and a great day out. Thanks also to Ken L and Ken D for there vigilant rescue support.

Race into town
1st Bill J/Danny G
2nd Keith L/Dessie H
3rd Todd S/Anthony G

1st Race in town Series E Race 1
1st Keith L/Dessie H
2nd Bill J/Danny G
Rtd Anton H/Gerard L
Rtd Todd S/Anthony H

2nd Race in town Series E Race 2
1st Keith L/Dessie H
2nd Bill J/Danny G
3rd Anton H/Gerard L
Rtd Todd S/Anthony H

Race Home
1st Keith L/Dessie H
2nd Bill J/Danny G
3rd Anton H/Gerard L
4rt Todd S/Anthony H

Welcome to all Purcell Cup GP14 sailors

Friday, May 27th, 2011

LFYC extends a warm welcome to all GP14 sailors arriving for the Purcell Trophy. We look forward to a great weekend of sailing.

If you need any help or information contact Race orgainiser Danny Gallagher (Daniel at gallagherandson dot biz) or phone him on +44 (0) 7720464085

best of luck to all

Anthony Hutton (LFYC, Commodore)

+44 (0) 7813 780316 (antovoda at googlemail dot com)

Derry Londonderry Round the World

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Ocean Youth Trust at Foyle Days

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Flyer for Foyle Days

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Series C Races 3+4 19/05/11

Friday, May 20th, 2011
Series C race 4 race 5
19/05/11 19/05/11
Pat K/Joe K 1 DNS
Keith L/Dessie H 2 DNS
Dermot M 3 1
Anton H 4 2
Todd S/Anthony G RTD 4
Bill J/George G DNS 3

Wind SW F4/5. Congratulations to The Kelly brothers who sailed very well. Congratulations also to Todd S who has taken over as skipper on his Scorpion having learned how to sail at LFYC.

Two sets of race instructions were issued. This resulted in race one with two boats sailing around one mark and two boats sailing around another. No major advantage was gained by sailing either way so it was decided that all results should stand and no penaltys apply – each skipper having sailed the course they were instructed to sail.

Many thanks to George D who manned the rescue boat. Thanks also to Sean McC for helping out on shore.

Sailing in Lough Foyle

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

The Loughs Agency made this video promoting the Lough Foyle region. “Sailors in Lough Foyle are sailing on historic waters spanning 100’s of years of important maritime events”.

Ocean Youth Trust Ireland

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

LFYC are pleased to be assocaited with the visit to derry by Ocean Youth Trust Ireland. The will be heare over the Foyle Days festival offering sailing experiences in RS Elite keel boats (pictured here earlier today (thur 19/05/2011 in the City centre) to young people from schools and colleges and offering a sailing experience to disabled sailors in association with Foyle Disability Resource Centre.

Next week Ocean Youth Trust Ireland and the Loughs Agency will be offering RYA Level 1 sail training. See here for details

Race results Series B 17/05/11

Thursday, May 19th, 2011
Series B race 5 race 6
17/05/11 17/05/11
Keith L/Dessie H 1 1
Ken L/David L 2 3
Bill J/James J 3 2
George G Laser 4 5
Anthony G/Todd DNF 4

Nice to see James J out as crew with Bill J

Wind was straight out of Harts,force4-5, a small gate start, up to
harts, round Mckennas and over to the powers station round 3x for race 1 and 2x race2.
Todds rudder played up again, but got it fixed in time for race 2.

Wind was extremely lumpy and so I dont know how we all stayed upright. Hopefully this week will see last of the gales.

GP14 training with Richard Street (GP14 class president)

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Sunday 22nd May: Training Day, Richard Street GP 14 class president will be running training day starting at 10.00hrs Great training and tuning opportunity – dont miss it.

Postponed due to bad weather